We Speak CVE
A free podcast about cybersecurity, vulnerability management, and the CVE Program.
We Speak CVE
Expected Impact of the CNA Rules 4.0
Host Shannon Sabens speaks with Art Manion and Kent Landfield, all three of whom are CVE Board members and CVE Working Group (WG) chairs, about the all-new “CVE® Numbering Authority (CNA) Operational Rules Version 4.0.”
Topics discussed include the new fundamental concept embedded throughout the rules called the “right of refusal”; how CVE assignment is technology neutral (i.e., cloud, artificial intelligence, etc.); end-of-life assignments; the dispute process; how CNAs can add additional data to their CVE Records such as CVSS, CWE, and CPE information at the time of disclosure for use by downstream consumers; and the expected positive impact of the rules on CNAs and the vulnerability management ecosystem.
CNA Rules v4.0 - https://www.cve.org/ResourcesSupport/AllResources/CNARules